Are Certain Vehicle Models Prone to Being Lemons?

Gavel And Blue Car Near Law Book Over The Wooden Desk

Our California lemon law attorney in Los Angeles at Shainfeld Law, P.C. knows that once a vehicle make or model gets a reputation for being a “lemon” it is a difficultfor the manufacturer to shake.

The fact is, vehicles that are “lemons” come in different shapes, sizes, and models ranging from expensive SUVs and modestly priced sedans to boats and RVs.

According to the California Lemon Law, the only real factor that ties vehicles that are lemons together is the fact that they cannot be fixed after a qualifying number of attempts.

What are the Most Common Issues that Make a Car Eligible for a Lemon Law Claim?

There are some similarities in California lemon law cases, including those that cause safety issues for those inside.

There are general or common “problems” that may lead to a legitimate claim, typically because they seriously impact the vehicle’s ability to operate.

Common lemon law issues may involve serious drivability issues including, but not limited to:

  • Transmission lunging, jumping, lurching, and jerky shifting.
  • Oil, coolant, water, or fuel leakage.
  • Engine failure, overheating, or sluggish performance.
  • Brakes, steering column, or axle issues.

What most consumers do not know is, their vehicle trouble can extend much further to:

  • Air conditioning or heating systems.
  • Back-up cameras.
  • Doors.
  • Paint.
  • Power loss and electrical system problems.
  • Windows.

The most crucial factor in building your California lemon law claim is documenting the defect, maintaining the dealership reports, and talking to a skilled California lemon law attorney to ensure you understand what you are entitled to when pursuing a claim.

Contact Shainfeld Law, P.C. For Help With Your California Lemon Law Claim

If your vehicle is still under warranty, and is exhibiting signs of a defect that can be fixed by the dealership or a certified mechanic, contact our experienced Los Angeles lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-609-2593 or request a free consultation online.

We have a 99% success rate, and typically produce results for our California lemon law clients in as little as 30-60 days.

The vehicle manufacturer will also be responsible for paying our legal fees, so you will never pay any out-of-pocket costs to pursue a positive outcome. Call us now to learn more.

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