Dealing With the Dealership When You Believe Your Vehicle is a Lemon

One of the worst things about owning or leasing a vehicle is being without it because there is a problem. The next? Dealing with the dealership while it is being repaired.

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney in Los Angeles knows that when our clients purchase or lease a vehicle that is under warranty, it is a relief that someone is going to fix it without them having to pay out of pocket for the repairs.

But what happens when you must make continuous trips to the dealership, and find yourself without your car more than you find yourself in it?

Our California Lemon Law is designed to protect consumers throughout the state who have purchased or leased a new or used vehicle that is still under the manufacturer’s warranty.

But first, you must get the dealership to admit you have a defect that cannot be fixed.

If you suspect your vehicle is a lemon, contact our California lemon law attorney for help.

Why? Because the dealership does not have to admit anything for you to move forward. They only have a certain number of attempts to get it right before our skilled Los Angeles lemon lawyers can take over.

Here’s how.

Document Everything That Happens at the Dealership.

When we say to document everything that happens at the dealership, we mean everything.

Start by keeping a journal of your vehicle’s issues, and the times and dates when the problem occurs.

Next, keep a list of dates when you take the vehicle to the dealership, or talk to a technician by phone, and what they say — and list on their detailed service report — is wrong with your vehicle.

This will include when they cannot fix the issue.

No matter how frustrating the issue may be, do not argue with the technician or debate the issue. Simply nod, thank them for trying, and maintain all paperwork for our review later.

Do not attempt to raise the issue of your vehicle being a lemon with a mechanic, service manager, or salesperson. They are not lawyers. They are working on behalf of the manufacturer.

It is time to take charge of your vehicle’s defect, so you can pursue the outcome you deserve.

Contact Our Skilled California Lemon Law Attorney Right Away

When enough is enough, it is time to do something about your defective vehicle, so you can remain safe on our California roadways.

The good news is, you do not have to pursue a lemon law claim on your own.

Contact our experienced Los Angeles lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-609-2593 or request a free consultation online. We have a 99% success rate, and typically produce results for our California lemon law clients in as little as 30-60 days.

The vehicle manufacturer will also be responsible for paying our legal fees, so you will never pay any out-of-pocket costs to pursue a positive outcome. Call us now to learn more.

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