Help! The Dealership Needs to Keep My Car for a Month!

Asian car mechanic technician holding clipboard and checking to maintenance vehicle by customer claim order in auto repair shop garage. Wheel tire repair service. People occupation and business job

Our California lemon law attorney in Los Angeles at Shainfeld Law, P.C. has heard our share of horror stories from consumers who simply did not know their rights under our California Lemon Law. One of the most common problems, and one that is becoming increasingly frustrating for vehicle owners, is the amount of time their car, truck, or SUV is in the repair shop.

Like most consumer-focused retailers, dealerships are citing “supply chain issues” for their lack of vehicle variety — and for the extended waiting time for repairs — as they are lacking (and having a hard time finding) replacement parts. There is also a secondary economic issue, where many dealerships (restaurants, retailers, and other consumer-focused businesses) are unable to retain the qualified help they need to meet repair demands.

If this is happening to you, you have rights. Here is what you need to know.

How Long Can the Dealership Keep My Defective Vehicle Before I Can File a Lemon Law Claim in California?

The very first component of the California lemon law is that when a consumer buys or leases a vehicle that is still under the manufacturer’s warranty, the dealership has a qualifying number of attempts — typically between two and four, depending on the defect — to fix the same issue before the consumer can file a lemon law claim.

The other component is that if the dealership keeps a consumer’s vehicle for more than 30 days — which do not have to be consecutive — the car, truck, or SUV may satisfy the California lemon law requirement.

Contact Shainfeld Law, P.C. For Help With Your California Lemon Law Claim

If the dealership is keeping your car for long periods or has had it in their possession for 30 days already, we want to discuss your case right away, so you can pursue the legal remedy you are entitled to by law. Contact our experienced Los Angeles lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 310-295-1888 or request a free consultation online.

We have a 99% success rate, and typically produce results for our California lemon law clients in as little as 30-60 days.

The vehicle manufacturer will also be responsible for paying our legal fees, so you will never pay any out-of-pocket costs to pursue a positive outcome. Call us now to learn more.

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