How Long Does the California Lemon Law Process Take to Achieve Results?

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At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney provides free consultations for consumers who believe they may have purchased an unreliable vehicle based on the manufacturer or dealership’s inability to fix its defects after multiple attempts — constituting it as a “lemon.”

Our Los Angeles County Lemon Law Firm fully enforces our Lemon Law in California to protect consumers from becoming overwhelmed by vehicle trouble that cannot be fixed by pursuing a vehicle buyback or cash settlement, so they can obtain reliable transportation as quickly as possible.

How Long Can the California Lemon Law Claim Process Take?

Our California lemon lawyer will first review your case during a free consultation to ensure your claim is valid before beginning the pre-litigation process where we make our demands to the manufacturer that we have lost faith and reliability in the vehicle.

The manufacturer has 30 days to respond, which typically results in an offer for a cash settlement or a vehicle buyback that allows our clients to see results in as little as 60 to 90 days.

All lemon law process is unique, and some may require us to take your claim to court and litigate your complete needs to pursue the best outcome. But our lemon lawyer in California will focus on producing results without the court’s involvement, so we can quickly put this behind you.

How are California Lemon Law Claims Resolved?

Since each lemon law claim is unique, we provide our clients with the legal representation they need to make informed decisions about how they want to proceed with the process.

That may include the following California lemon law resolutions:

  • Cash settlements where the manufacturer agrees to pay a negotiated amount to compensate the vehicle owner for the defective issues while allowing them to keep the vehicle in question
  • The manufacturer will offer to repurchase the vehicle or provide a new replacement vehicle for the offending “lemon” vehicle

Our California lemon lawyers will keep you updated on the claim, demands, responses, and resolution timeline, so you know exactly what to expect from our representation.

Contact Our Shainfeld Law, P.C. Lemon Law Attorney for a Free Consultation Today

If you believe you have purchased a “lemon” and want to learn more about the process, contact our experienced Lemon Law attorney in California at Lemon Law Now, today by calling 888-567-2279 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your legal options.

We handle lemon law cases all across California:

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