Mistakes to Avoid When You Might Have a California Lemon Law Claim

Gavel And Blue Car Near Law Book Over The Wooden Desk

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney in Los Angeles assists our clients with enforcing the California Lemon Law, which protects the consumer and requires the at-fault auto manufacturer, not the faultless owner, responsible for the vehicle’s defects and their lawyer fees.

However, there are things our clients can do — and avoid doing — when pursuing a California lemon law claim, to increase their chances of filing a successful claim.

Mistake #1: Diagnosing the Vehicle Defect Yourself

When vehicle owners take their car, truck, or SUV to the dealership for repairs, one mistake that can hinder a potential lemon law claim — when the manufacturer cannot repair the vehicle after the legally required number of qualifying attempts for the same problem — is telling the technician what you think is wrong.

The best way to describe your vehicle’s issues is to outline the indications of trouble. That could include stalling, jerking, freezing, or not working at all – which is common in electrical issues. Do not make the mistake of being overly specific, as the mechanic may look for, and record, the wrong defect. This means each trip to the dealership could be for a different issue, which means your potential to file a claim starts over with each visit.

Mistake #2: Not Keeping Records of the Repair Attempts

Each time you take your vehicle to the dealership for repairs, you should get a repair order and an invoice.

These records should include:

  • Your complaint/problem
  • The diagnosis of the problem
  • The repairs made
  • The days that the vehicle was in the shop for repair
  • The cost of repairs, even if they were applied to the warranty

If your paperwork is missing any of these details, ask the mechanic to add them to the work order or invoice before you leave the dealership.

Mistake #3: Not Hiring a California Lemon Law Attorney

Handling a lemon law claim alone can take an exorbitant amount of time and energy to ensure the facts, details, and paperwork is all aligned according to our California Lemon Law.

The reality is, there is no reason to go it alone.

The California Lemon Law requires vehicle manufacturers to pay for the consumer’s legal fees.

If you are experiencing ongoing mechanical trouble with a vehicle that is still under its manufacturer’s warranty in California, contact our experienced Los Angeles lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-609-2593 or request a free consultation online. We have a 99% success rate, and typically produce real results for our clients in as little as 30-60 days.

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