Top Three Reasons to Partner with a California Lemon Lawyer

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our Los Angeles attorney knows it may seem self-serving to discuss all the reasons our fellow California residents may need a lawyer to find a California Lemon Law legal remedy that fits their needs.

The reality is, there are several good reasons why partnering with a California lemon law attorney can help you move forward with a claim using the path of least resistance.

Here are three of the top reasons defective vehicle owners should contact a California lemon lawyer.

California Lemon Lawyers Work for the Consumer, on the Manufacturer’s Dime

No matter what your vehicle defect is, if you have pursued a qualifying number of repair attempts with no positive result, your lemon law claim attorney fees will be paid by the manufacturer after we win your case.

This means you pay no upfront or out-of-pocket costs for our legal representation.

California Lemon Law Consumers Get Better Results with an Attorney By Their Side

When filing a California lemon law claim, you must understand that you are not facing a salesperson who cares about helping with your vehicle defect. You are facing a team of attorneys who work directly for the manufacturer. Going it alone will be a frustrating experience, and may result in a lesser-than-deserved outcome, or an outright lemon law claim denial.

Studies show, along with our experience, that when consumers partner with a skilled California lemon lawyer during settlement negotiations or when filing a legal claim, they win their cases more often, and, when they do win, they get higher returns.

Do not let your vehicle manufacturer present you with a lesser offer than your claim is worth. Contact our dedicated California lemon law attorney today for help.

California Lemon Law Claims Require Legal Experience

While California has some of the most consumer-friendly lemon laws in the country, the fact is they are still laws. This means interpreting them requires an experienced attorney.

The technical and legal requirements for successfully pursuing a California lemon law claim require vast vehicle knowledge, and a skilled understanding of what the manufacturer requires to consider your claim. At Shainfeld Law, California lemon law claims are all we do — and we do them well. With a 99% success rate, we can take the lead in pursuing your claim, so you can focus on, well, anything else.

Contact Our Experienced California Lemon Law Attorney for a Free Consultation

Contact our experienced Los Angeles County lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 310-295-1888 or request a free consultation online.

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