How Long Does the Lemon Law Process Take in California?

At Lemon Law Now , our California lemon law attorney has successfully handled thousands of cases in the nearly 15 years we have been pursuing justice for our clients. While the legal process is similar for each case we represent, the details and time it takes to fully complete a lemon law claim and produce results vary.

Here are a few factors that will help determine how your lemon law claim unfolds and the timeline of its pursuit.

What Factors do Will Determine How Long the California Lemon Law Process Will Take?

Our California Lemon Law provides consumer protection for individuals who unknowingly buy defective vehicles that cannot be repaired after a qualifying number of reasonable attempts.

When this is the case, the manufacturer must offer several options that make the buyer or lessee whole again, which can begin with a pre-litigation assessment of your vehicle, its manufacturer, its defects, the type and length of repairs, and repair history.

Once we have all the facts, supporting evidence, and documentation that the vehicle is, indeed, a lemon, we will send a demand for recovery to the manufacturer outlining our client’s lost faith in the reliability of the vehicle.

The manufacturer must respond within 30 days of the date of our demand letter.

The response will outline your legal options, which may allow us to pursue one of three solutions from the manufacturer:

  • Provide a replacement vehicle
  • Repurchase your vehicle
  • Pursue a cash settlement and you keep the vehicle

Our experienced California lemon law attorney strives to complete the legal process as quickly as possible and is adept at outlining all the necessary paperwork before working with the manufacturer’s legal department to create the solutions our clients deserve.

Often, we can achieve a final settlement within 90 days.

Call our Lemon Law attorney in California today to learn how we can help you pursue your vehicle manufacturer for the outcome you deserve. If we are successful in your Lemon Law claim, the manufacturer is responsible for your legal fees, so you pay nothing for our legal experience and representation.

Contact Our Experienced Lemon Law Attorneys in California for a Free Consultation Today

If your vehicle is under its manufacturer’s warranty, and it has been determined that the dealership or another mechanic cannot fix the issue, contact our experienced California Lemon Law attorney at Lemon Law Now, today by calling (310) 295-1888 or request a free consultation online.

We handle lemon law cases all across California:

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