Should I Accept California Lemon Law Advice from the Dealership?

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney understands that when consumers purchase a vehicle that is under warranty, they often lean on the dealership or an authorized mechanic to provide advice regarding its repair needs.

This is common and could certainly lead to permanent repair solutions. After all, not all vehicles are lemons.

However, once a vehicle’s defect impacts the car’s safety, value, or use, and a mechanic cannot fix the problem, it is time to look for answers elsewhere. Here is why.

Dealerships and Repair Shop Agents Cannot Make Legal Claims

Repair advice offered by car dealership or auto repair technicians may seem sincere, but they are typically not trained to provide legal advice to consumers who may have a legitimate lemon law claim.

In fact, it is often difficult to get the dealership’s agents to admit that they cannot fix the problem.

It is a vehicle’s defect that gives itself away once it cannot be repaired during a reasonable number of attempts.

Once they know — but do not necessarily admit — that the vehicle is a lemon, they may offer to buy the car, truck, or SUV back. Consumers should be cautious of these types of offers.

These offers are often used as a quick solution that benefits the dealership by keeping the consumer as a customer — not as ethical legal advice that honors the California lemon law.

The legal relationship created by the lemon law is between the manufacturer of the defective vehicle and the consumer who has leased or purchased the vehicle — not the relationship between the consumer and the dealership.

The only party who can decide to repurchase a defective vehicle under the California lemon law is the manufacturer.

Shainfeld Law Can Help Pursue the Manufacturer for Your California Lemon Law Claim

If you are experiencing ongoing mechanical trouble with a vehicle that is still under its manufacturer’s warranty in California, do not discuss its potential for being a lemon with the dealership or repair shop.

Keep all repair records, and contact our skilled Los Angeles Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-567-2279 or request a free consultation online.

California lemon law cases are our only legal focus, which is reflected by our 99% success rate.

Our experience, skill, and resources are all available to California residents starting with a free consultation. Our clients never pay for our legal services, as we collect all legal fees directly from the vehicle’s manufacturer during the claim.

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