What Happens When You Win A California Lemon Law Claim?

A man's hand holding car keys at a bar. Whiskey, cocktail and money at the bar. Alcoholic glasses and car keys. Do not drink alcohol while driving.

Our California lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., only represents clients with the sole focus of making them whole after they have purchased or leased a defective, under warranty vehicle, making us the leading lemon law firm in the state.

While our California Lemon Law is consumer-friendly, our residents need to understand what qualifies their vehicles as lemons, and what they stand to gain by navigating the legal process with an experienced lemon law attorney in California.

Let’s get started.

What Qualifies as a Lemon in California?

A defective vehicle that is purchased or leased under warranty, whether it is a car, truck, or SUV, qualifies as a lemon.

The first requirement for pursuing a lemon law claim in California is that the vehicle is still under the manufacturer’s warranty, including:

  • A Certified Pre-Owned Warranty
  • A Transferred New Car Warranty
  • A Lemon Law Buy-Back Warranty

No matter the problem whether it is brake trouble, faulty windows or locks, a high-revving engine, or a host of other mechanical or electrical problems it is something (or several things) a mechanic cannot fix after a qualifying number of reasonable vehicle repair attempts. 

How Can I Pursue a Lemon Law Claim in California?

While you can pursue a lemon law claim without an attorney in California, you should know that all of our legal fees are paid directly by the manufacturer, so you never pay out of pocket for our legal services.

At Shainfeld Law, our California lemon law attorney has a 99% success rate and often settles our lemon law claims in 90 days without a lawsuit.

The legalities for pursuing a claim are seemingly complex, as the manufacturer is not simply going to take your word for the vehicle is a lemon, which means you are going to have to do the legwork unless you have an experienced lemon law attorney.

Our lemon law lawyers in California break down the requirements for filing a claim into easily digestible pieces, so you know exactly what happens next.

What Happens to My Defective Vehicle When I Win My California Lemon Law Claim?

When our California lemon law firm builds a successful claim against the manufacturer, our client — you, the consumer — has three potential options.

The manufacturer may:

  1. Replace your vehicle
  2. Repurchase your vehicle
  3. Offer a cash settlement for your vehicle

Contact Our Skilled California Lemon Law Attorneys at Shainfeld Law Today

To determine which option is right for you, contact our experienced Los Angeles County Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 310-295-1888 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your legal rights and options to pursue the manufacturer for your full recovery.

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