Who Pays Attorney Fees Under California’s Lemon Law?

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney knows that it can be intimidating for consumers to file a claim against their vehicle’s manufacturer on their own.

However, if your vehicle’s defect impacts its safety, value, or use, and a mechanic cannot fix the problem, you may have a legitimate claim that requires the manufacturer to make you whole again.

The next question becomes, how can anyone afford to pay a California lemon law attorney to take on the manufacturer for them?

Fortunately, you do not have to.

The California Lemon Law requires the vehicle’s manufacturer to pay for the California Lemon Law attorney fees and costs related to the claim.

Shainfeld Law Only Handles Lemon Law Cases, Working Hard to Protect Consumers

At Shainfeld Law, we only handle California lemon law claims, which is reflected by our 99% success rate.

Because of our experience and skill in handling these important cases, we make each of our clients aware of their legal rights and options, including the fact that they pay no legal fees upfront.

Lemon law attorneys enter into a contingency agreement with their clients, which means the lawyer will get paid only after they are successful in their case.

All attorney fees and costs will be included in the settlement amount proposed to the vehicle manufacturer on your behalf.

Once the case is settled, the manufacturer will pay the California lemon law attorney fees directly.

If your vehicle is a lemon, all attorney’s fees are the responsibility of the manufacturer.

No lemon law attorney in California should ask you for money. If they do, move on to a more reputable firm.

Contact Shainfeld Law For a Free California Lemon Law Case Evaluation Today

If you are experiencing ongoing mechanical trouble with a vehicle that is still under its manufacturer’s warranty in California, contact our experienced Los Angeles Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-567-2279 or request a free consultation online.

We handle lemon law cases all across California:

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