Do I Only Have Four Years to File a California Lemon Law Claim?

Our Los Angeles, California lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C. knows that it can take months or even years to realize that the problem you are experiencing with your vehicle cannot be fixed. When California residents realize they have a defective vehicle, they may be eligible to file a claim using the California Lemon Law to pursue the legal remedy that fits their needs.

If you are eligible to pursue a lemon law claim against a defective vehicle manufacturer, your claim must unfold under a certain timeline.

What is the California Lemon Law Statute of Limitations?

Generally, the California Lemon Law imposes a four-year statute of limitations — or legal deadline — to file a claim when the owner has experienced warrantable problems with their vehicle.

The four-year limit typically starts when the consumer initially experiences the potential defect that is covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

The more critical factor in pursuing a successful lemon law claim is that you can prove you allowed the manufacturer the mandated number of reasonable attempts to have the defect repaired during the warranty period and that a mechanic could not fix the problem. 

Do You Think You Have a California Lemon Law Claim?

Our experienced California lemon law attorney has a 99% success rate, often settling claims in as little as 30-60 days without filing a lawsuit — and at no cost to you. If we successfully pursue your California lemon law claim, your vehicle’s manufacturer is 100% responsible for our legal fees.

Before we can get started:

  • Have you purchased or leased a new or used car from a dealer in California?
  • Is your vehicle still under the manufacturer’s warranty?
  • Does your vehicle’s problem impact its use, value, or safety?
  • Have you given the dealer multiple attempts to repair the vehicle, but the problem still exists?

If you have answered yes to each of these questions, contact our experienced Los Angeles County lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 310-295-1888 or request a free consultation online.

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Four Years to File a California Lemon Law Claim

The sooner we can legally identify your vehicle as a “lemon” the faster we can seek the legal remedy that meets your needs. That may include taking a cash settlement and keeping the vehicle, getting a full refund for your car, or a replacement vehicle, so you can move forward without worry.

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