Does the California Lemon Law Determine How a Replacement Car is Chosen?

Car mechanic changing oil - model and oil motion blurred.

Our California Lemon Law provides a tremendous amount of protection for our state’s consumers, making it one of the most progressive lemon laws in the country.

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney outlines each of our client’s rights when their vehicle has suffered mechanical defects that a mechanic cannot fix after a reasonable number of attempts, so they know exactly what to expect from the process.

Here is what consumers need to know about our California lemon law and the process of providing a replacement vehicle as a relief option.

You Have the Opportunity to Choose Your Unique Form of Relief During a California Lemon Law Claim

Our lemon law attorney in California wants each of our consumers to understand they are entitled to several relief options when we can prove their vehicle has a material defect that cannot be fixed.

They include the manufacturer:

  • Providing a replacement vehicle
  • Repurchasing the vehicle
  • Returning a cash settlement to the buyer

Each form of relief or compensation is based solely on the consumer’s preference, which our skilled lemon law attorney in California will provide advice on, so our clients understand the pros and cons and inclusions and exclusions of each remedy.

Does the Manufacturer Get to Choose My Replacement Vehicle After a Successful Lemon Law Claim in California?

Our California lemon law attorney understands that when consumers have a severe mechanical issue with their vehicle that qualifies for a claim, they are hesitant to want their next vehicle to come from the same manufacturer.

Fortunately, our California Lemon Law has specific and clear guidelines for determining how a replacement car is selected, which provides the consumer with confidence when choosing their replacement car, truck, or SUV.

To protect the consumer, the lemon law is adamant in requiring the replacement car to be new and substantially identical to the consumer’s previous vehicle, and that the replacement car be accompanied by all express and implied warranties that would normally accompany a new motor vehicle of that make and model.

The important way to ensure your consumer rights are protected, and that the manufacturer accurately follows our lemon law requirements is to consult with an experienced lemon law attorney. We can help ensure you get everything you deserve from your claim, so you can get your transportation needs back on track.

Contact Our Experienced Los Angeles County Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., Today

If you are experiencing ongoing mechanical trouble with a vehicle that is still under its manufacturer’s warranty, contact our experienced Los Angeles County Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 949-294-9153 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your legal rights and options to pursue the manufacturer for your full recovery.

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