Five Things California Consumers May Not Know About Used Cars and the Lemon Law

At Shainfeld Law, P.C., our California lemon law attorney wants all consumers to know how the California Lemon Law is designed to protect them from being stuck with a car, truck, or SUV with an unfixable problem when it is still under warranty.

If your vehicle has a major defect one that is hindering its use, keeping it in the shop more than on the road, and cannot be fixed we want you to understand how our California Lemon Law can offer the protection you need to seek a remedy from the manufacturer that makes you whole again.

Here is what you need to know.

The Vehicle Manufacturer Must Be Allowed to Fix the Vehicle

To qualify for Lemon Law protection under California laws, the vehicle manufacturer must be alerted to the problem, and the dealership or authorized mechanic must be given enough time and attempts to fix it. When they exhaust both the time and opportunities, your vehicle may be deemed a lemon, making you eligible for a refund or buyback.

The California Lemon Law Only Applies to Vehicles Under an Active Manufacturer Warranty

In California, our lemon laws only apply to vehicles with active manufacturer warranties. If your vehicle is no longer under warranty, and the defect is found once it expires, the law may not apply to your circumstances.

New, Used & Leased Vehicles Qualify for California Lemon Law Relief

Whether you bought your car new or used, or leased it, if the vehicle is under an active manufacturer’s warranty, it may qualify for California Lemon Law relief.

The Manufacturer Will Deny Fault During Your Lemon Law Claim

We are often asked if it is necessary to hire a Los Angeles lemon law attorney when the California Lemon Law protections seem so clear. The answer is also clear: The manufacturer is going to do everything possible to deny your claim, stating you caused the car’s defect. Without an experienced California Lemon Law attorney by your side, they can control the conversation. We can help ensure your rights are protected and that you are aware of your options, so you can make informed decisions about your vehicle and future while aggressively presenting your complete case.

Partnering with a California Lemon Law Attorney Does Not Cost You Anything

As part of our California Lemon Law’s consumer protection, all legal fees are paid directly by the manufacturer when your claim is successful. That means you pay no upfront fees or out-of-pocket costs to get the legal help you need.

If your vehicle is still under its manufacturer’s warranty, and you have reason to believe it has an unfixable defect, contact our experienced Los Angeles Lemon Law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C., today by calling 888-567-2279 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your legal rights and options to pursue the manufacturer for your full recovery.

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