Our StocktonLodi metro area lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law knows the California Lemon Law provides strong protections for consumers who purchase or lease defective vehicles. However, several common misconceptions can lead to confusion or even prevent consumers from fully exercising their rights under the law.

Here are some of those misconceptions debunked.

Lemon law rights


What are the Most Common Misconceptions About California’s Lemon Law?

Understanding the realities of the California Lemon Law process can empower consumers to take full advantage of their rights and avoid falling prey to these common misconceptions. Knowing your rights and seeking appropriate legal assistance can help ensure that you receive the compensation or replacement vehicle you are entitled to under the law. Here’s what California residents need to know.

  • Misconception: You Must Have a Brand New Car to File a Lemon Law Claim

While the California Lemon Law is often associated with new vehicles, it applies to used cars under the original manufacturer’s warranty. If you purchase a used vehicle that is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and has a substantial defect, you may still be eligible to file a California lemon law claim.

  • Misconception: You Need to Have the Same Problem Repaired Multiple Times

While multiple repair attempts are a standard criterion for a lemon law claim, it’s not always necessary to have the same problem repaired numerous times. California’s Lemon Law also covers situations where a vehicle has a series of issues that significantly impair its use, value, or safety, even if each issue only requires one repair attempt.

  • Misconception: You Have to Accept the Manufacturer’s First Offer

Manufacturers often make initial offers to resolve lemon law claims, but these offers may not fully compensate you for your losses. Consumers can negotiate or reject offers that do not provide adequate compensation. It’s important to remember that the law entitles you to a replacement vehicle, a refund, or other compensation that may exceed what the manufacturer initially offers.

  • Misconception: Minor Defects Are Not Covered by the Lemon Law

The California Lemon Law covers any substantial defect that affects the vehicle’s use, value, or safety. Even if a defect seems minor at first, it may be covered if it significantly impacts your ability to use the car as intended. The key is whether the defect substantially impairs the vehicle, not the severity of the issue itself.

  • Misconception: Lemon Law Claims Can Only Be Filed for Mechanical Defects

The California Lemon Law covers many defects, not just mechanical issues. This includes problems with the vehicle’s electrical systems, safety features, and even aesthetic issues that significantly affect the vehicle’s value or usability. If a defect, regardless of its nature, impairs the vehicle’s use, value, or safety, it may be covered under the Lemon Law.

  • The Lemon Law Process is Too Complicated and Not Worth the Effort

While the lemon law process can seem daunting, especially if the manufacturer disputes your claim, it is often less complicated than people assume. Many consumers can successfully navigate the process, especially with the assistance of our knowledgeable  Stockton-Lodi metro area lemon law attorney. Furthermore, California lemon law provides for the recovery of attorney fees, meaning you may not have to pay out-of-pocket for legal representation.

Contact Our Lemon Law Attorney in California Today

If you believe your California vehicle may be a lemon and is still under the manufacturer’s warranty, contact our experienced Stockton-Lodi metro area lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C. today by calling 888-609-2593 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your rights as a California consumer and pursue a legal remedy that fits your needs.

When you team up with our seasoned Lemon Law attorneys in California, we’ll aggressively pursue your claim against the manufacturer. In 99% of cases, we achieve success. Contact us today to learn more.