All information on this site is given by Shainfeld Law, PC in order to inform the general public of the legal services we provide. Any data or information provided on this site should not be used in lieu of obtaining expert legal counsel from a licensed or authorized attorney in your jurisdiction. The act of visiting this website or contacting us online does not constitute a formal attorney-client relationship. In order to form an attorney-client relationship, mutual assent by both parties must be tendered and agreed to in writing. The attorneys of Shainfeld Law, PC must complete a conflict-of-interest check before being retained as counsel. In addition, a written relationship and fee agreement must also be signed by you and an attorney at Shainfeld Law.
Potential clients are strongly advised to contact us with problems or concerns particular to their unique situation. However, with these limitations in mind, the legal information and data on this site is intended for general informative purposes and should not be mistaken for legal advice. In addition to written website material, this also applies to any information obtained through online chat features that you may have the option of utilizing for general informative purposes.
Deciding on legal services and representation is important and should not only be based on advertising, whether online or in any medium. Anyone looking to obtain the services of a legal professional should always conduct an extensive independent inquiry into the suitableness of any lawyer being considered. Before making the decision to obtain legal representation with Shainfeld Law, PC, it is best to contact us in order to receive more information about our experience and qualifications, free of charge.
Any use of the word “free” merely implies that Shainfeld Law offers its legal representation on a contingency basis or no out-of-pocket payment from the client. Shainfeld Law, PC will make a demand to pay attorneys fees and costs. Pursuant to most State and Federal Law, the manufacturer is required to pay attorneys fees and costs if a client is the prevailing party. The term prevailing party means “at the time of trial.” If the case settles before trial and a client chooses to accept the settlement, then the responsibility for legal fees and costs not covered by the manufacturer could then come from the total settlement. In some instances, cases can be comprised of offers for settlement that are ‘inclusive’ of legal fees and costs. In such an event where the client accepts a settlement such as this, any and all legal fees and/or costs will be remitted from the settlement itself. In an event in which the the manufacturer prevails, there is no settlement or the client is deemed to not be the prevailing party, Shainfeld Law will not seek payment for attorney’s fees from the client.
No information on this site is intended to imply that the legal services of Shainfeld Law, PC are of superior quality than that of another law firm or attorney. Shainfeld Law, PC does not intend to represent that any of its attorneys are certified as specialists with regard to any area of law by any state board of legal specialization.
It is not possible for the attorneys at Shainfeld Law, PC – or any other attorneys – to ethically guarantee how a claim may be decided. Our historical lemon law results in no way guarantee any future results for other cases. Every legal case is unique and cannot be compared. Each and every potential case must be individually assessed by its own facts and merits. Any and all testimonials and endorsements found on cannot forecast the outcome of your potential case and in no way should be viewed as a guarantee.
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At Shainfeld Law, you’ll always be speaking with the attorney who will be handling your case
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