At Shainfeld Law, our BakersfieldDelano metropolitan area lemon law attorney knows that when any of the area’s nearly 910,000 residents must face off against their dealership, they are already at a disadvantage.

Countering a dealership’s findings can be exceptionally challenging for consumers due to the inherent imbalance of knowledge and resources. Dealerships typically possess specialized expertise, access to proprietary diagnostic tools, and extensive experience with vehicle mechanics, which consumers often lack.

Additionally, vehicle diagnostics’ technical jargon and complex nature can create significant barriers for consumers trying to understand or dispute the findings. Moreover, dealerships may have established relationships with manufacturers, giving them an upper hand in negotiations and claims. This disparity makes it difficult for consumers to effectively challenge the accuracy or fairness of a dealership’s assessments and recommendations.

This is why we are here. Our Bakersfield lemon lawyer represents consumers throughout California whose vehicles cannot be fixed after a reasonable number of attempts using the legal protection provided under California’s Lemon Law.

If you believe your vehicle is a lemon and the dealership challenges your assumption, here’s how to proceed.

 Lemon Law Disputes with Car Dealerships

Avoid Becoming Frustrated by the Process

Driving a defective vehicle that spends more time in the dealership than on the road is frustrating. However, letting that frustration seep into your conversation with the dealership may hinder your ability to get the information you need to pursue a lemon law claim. From the start, report your car trouble in writing and ask the dealership to fix the problem under warranty.

Remain calm, keep clear records of each time you take your car, truck, or SUV in for repair, and note everything the dealer says while you are there, including:

  • Repair attempts.
  • Repair related documents and bills.
  • Written communication, such as letters or reports.
  • Phone calls, emails, and in-person meetings.

Note the dates, times, names of individuals you spoke with, and what was discussed or agreed upon. This documentation can be critical if your dispute escalates.

Understand Your Rights Under California’s Lemon Law

In most cases, the dealer will continue to try to fix the vehicle, ensuring you that it’s a different problem than the one before. As long as it isn’t the same problem, it avoids responsibility for selling a vehicle with a manufacturing defect. Understanding your rights can prevent you from falling for these tactics.

According to California’s Lemon Law, your vehicle meets the criteria of a lemon if:

  • It has a substantial defect covered by the warranty.
  • The defect persists after a reasonable number of repair attempts.
  • The vehicle has been out of service for repairs for 30 days.

If this is true for your circumstances, partner with our experienced lemon law attorney in California. We will pursue your claim directly with the manufacturer.

When we are successful—99% of the time—the manufacturer is responsible for ALL your legal fees. That means you pay nothing out of pocket for your lemon law claim. If we are not successful, you still pay us nothing.

Contact our experienced Bakersfield–Delano metropolitan area lemon law attorney at Shainfeld Law, P.C. today by calling 888-609-2593 or request a free consultation online to learn more about your rights as a California consumer and pursue a legal remedy that fits your needs.