We’re a firm solely dedicated to utilizing consumer protection laws for the benefit of our clients. If you think there’s a chance you might be eligible for compensation, or just want to know more about your options, we have all the answers and are eager to help.
Navigating the waters of the lemon law can be a challenging venture, particularly when faced with the stress of what very well may be a lemon vehicle on your own hands. Ensuring the best outcome for your lemon law claim is a must, especially with a new vehicle that you may be paying for well into the future. That’s why we’re going to look at some resources that can be vital in putting together your case.
First and foremost, a resource you’ll need to get used to off the bat is your manufacturer’s warranty. You should keep yours in your glove department, but if you’re unable to find it, you can easily reach out to the manufacturer with your VIN number and get another copy; it may even be available online.
The next place to check would be the state’s Department of Consumer Affairs. The department is responsible for many of the affairs surrounding the Lemon Law, and as such have put together information packets and trusty guides to get you started on informing yourself and determining whether or not you have a case.
Just as well, the Office of the Attorney General of the state of put out information on their website that provides an overview on Lemon Law, including items like the Car Buyer’s Bill of Rights. This is a great resource for understanding where you stand as a consumer and what you’re entitled to.
The Better Business Bureau also assembles literature on consumer rights as they relate to vehicle ownership. This includes storing documents on their site that outline the crucial Song-Beverly Act of 1970, ideal for a legal overview.
Of course, the greatest resource of all is that of sound legal advice from representation that has experience in the field of Lemon Law. Our California Lemon Law experts have been working for years on Lemon Law cases, securing excellent outcomes for our clients. We’re happy to provide the legal expertise and comprehensive case management that positions you for the best possible recourse. We take pride in serving our clients as a Lemon Law resource, providing explanations of the process, what you’re eligible to file for in terms of compensation, and walking you through step-by-step.
Don’t forget to check out our “Lemon Law Tips” page!
Depending on the make and model of your vehicle, you may experience different issues and defects that indicate you are driving a lemon. Click on your car’s brand below to get more information about your vehicle and what actions you can take to get the settlement that you’re entitled to.
At Shainfeld Law, you’ll always be speaking with the attorney who will be handling your case
Give us a call 888-567-2279